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23rd December 2011The family have started to arrive. My dad has been watching the news channel for hours and I’ve been to collect a turkey the size of a small child. Our local butchers shop is fantastic – people queue around the block to collect their Christmas orders. While they wait the local cubs and scouts hand out cups of tea and sausages on sticks. It’s proper jolly!
Helping out with the cubs - and keeping the Christmas shoppers warm and jolly!
Charley being very helpful.
I don't think we will starve!
I finally managed to watch ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ this morning.I got the last DVD in Sainsbury’s so it was clearly meant to be.
Basically it’s about George – a young man with big ideas where life keeps getting in the way. He passes up on opportunities because things keep happening at critical moments and he makes what he thinks are the right (and selfless) choices. When his company gets into financial difficulty and he is personally held responsible with an arrest warrant and the press chasing him, he realises that he is worth more dead than alive. He stands on a snowy bridge on Christmas Eve and wishes that he had never been born.
Enter Clarence, George’s trainee guardian angel who by helping him can earn his wings. Clarence grants George’s wish and shows him what the lives of friends and family would have been like had he never been born. It’s not good!
We’re into the final ten minutes now – George begs to have his old life back and suddenly people begin to recognize him again. All the people he’d helped throughout his life club together to bail him out and he realises that he has made a difference after all.
Clarence, having saved George from killing himself finally gets his wings.
“Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings” as the bell on the Christmas tree tinkles and everyone sings Auld Lang Syne.
I’ve probably made it sound incredibly cheesy, but the characters are lovely and Jimmy Stewart who plays George is fabulous. I really recommend it.
And it does make you think about what life would be like for people if you’d never been born. How very deep of me on Christmas Eve. I know one thing for sure – there would be a a lot of hungry people without their Christmas dinner tomorrow!
So as I wait for the rest of the family to arrive – I’d just like to wish each and every one of you an amazingly happy Christmas. Cherish every second – be patient and appreciate the good stuff. You never know what will happen between now and next Christmas.
And finally, as a parting gift I give you The Wookey Hole Mince Pie Eating competition – 46 in 10 minutes. And a really funny news report that is really worth a view. Enjoy x
Got to go - Dad's demanding sherry! Love ya xx