What A Fun Day!

Posted on the 20 August 2012 by Courtyb34 @CourtyB34
Today, I woke up with a project in my mind. I was so excited to start it. I started watching a Cheers and then I got a text from my cousins saying they might come over and go swimming. I was so excited. I went into the kitchen and pondered what I should make. I didn't want to go crazy and do a huge recipe. Just something simple and yummy. I remembered that we had this box of brownies that we got, like brownies from a box mix. I decided to make that and doctor it up. That will a post in it's self, but I will show you the box and the after picture. :) They turned out delicious!
What A Fun Day!What A Fun Day!What A Fun Day!They got eaten pretty fast. They were pretty popular and all the rage. ha.Carrie also brought over some pizza. Thank you so much Carrie! They were starving, I was starving. Instant Pizza and Pool party :) This picture was after most of the pizza was eaten, but she brought over three boxes. I was in pizza heaven! :)What A Fun Day!What A Fun Day!YUM!!My aunt came by and dropped off my sister, she left my little cousins here too because we were supposed to baby sit them. Well, Carrie baby sits them too, but not today. She baby sits them on tuesdays. So, the whole crew baby sat them and it was fun! We went swimming and had a great time. The clouds were awesome and I got in the pool too. It was a little cold at first, but it warmed up. I didn't even bother putting on sun screen...So... when my little cousin, Raelyn got out... she was pretty funny. It was darn cutest thing ever and pretty funny at that. She is just a funny a little bean.So cute! haha. It was a really fun day! I loved having all my cousins over, except that Abbie couldn't be here :( she was at work. But it was fun. As the day progressed, the clouds just kept getting prettier and prettier and more amazing.I took some pictures with punky. I wanted a big kitty hug and we snuggled outside. He was being sweet and tolerating me. ha. Such a good kitty. He made funny faces, and it cracks me up! I also started on my project! My DIY Wreck This Journal! :) I was so excited about it. I am going to do a post just on that too. :)I made a little collage for instagram just to give you a little sneak peak.This is all I have done so far. It looks so good!!!! Today was a lot of fun and I am glad it was a nice day for the last swim for a little while. It's not supposed to be too nice this next week. :( Oh well, that's good kind of because then I have the chance to bake! :)YAY!!!Going to bake new things and of course blog about them.