What (And Who) Inspires You?

Posted on the 06 August 2012 by Simplystephanieblog @StephanieKonar

There is a saying which states that you are a reflection of the company you keep. One of my goals for Year 27 was to surround myself with individuals that would inspire and motivate me as well as help me climb higher. The blogosphere is no different. If you are a reflection of the company you keep, then you are also a reflection of what you choose to read.

With the Olympics currently underway and it being the peak of summer when anything seems possible, I wanted to host an “Inspiration Week” on Simply Stephanie Blog. In addition to encouraging you to write your own post answering “What Inspires You” and link back, four unbelievably motivated women will guest-post every day this week and share with you their secrets of what motivates them. I have selected each guest blogger for a different reason, and would like to take a minute to introduce them and share what about them inspires me (and why I choose to read and follow their blogs).

Laura, author of Not So Skinny Genes

Laura, an intelligent young woman, graduates from college and receives rejection letter after rejection letter while trying to land a job. Sound familiar? Laura’s story reflects the current situation right now taking place in the United States, but Laura lives in Canada. By following her blog I suddenly realized how very similar many of our own issues are to those in other countries. In the end, we all want the same fundamental things out of life and are not exceptionally different. What inspired me most about Laura though was despite her heartbreaking repetitive rejections, she was able to emit enormous amounts of positive energy and show incredible determination to remain positive. If it were me, I would have taken my Ben & Jerry’s to bed and cried while eating it. (Instead, I ate my Ben & Jerry’s while intently reading her chronicles as if they were they next best reality show). In Laura’s post, she will share how she was able to stay focused and optimist while faced with her challenges.

Melissa, aka “Melly,” author of Existential Detective

Melly is arguably the best gym buddy I will never have. Also, this just in, she may be competing in the next Olympics- because that is just how committed Melly is when it comes to her “PT time,” as she calls it (it may be an Aussie thing, but I love it and she’s adorable so we are calling it PT time). Not only do I enjoy reading her posts and living vicariously through her travels, PG rated romantic date nights and other enviable Aussie adventures, I love following her on Twitter as well. When she is finished with her Usain Bolt style runs, she is sweet enough to take a snapshot of her workout monitor and share with the world that she burned 368,235 calories in just under 28 minutes and 31 seconds. Although she is in Australia, when I toss my bum onto the treadmill at night, I pretend Melly is on the one next to me and I’m secretly competing with her (I’ve yet to win). For her post, she will discuss her Olympian minded secrets to her PT time success.

Amber, author of Arbitrary Ambrosia

Although I love Audrey Hepburn and it pains me to admit it, Amber (and not myself), is the closest thing you will find this day and age to a classic, feminine Audrey. One of the qualities I adore about Amber is that she has an adorably unique personality but still exudes confidence and grace. I feel as though many women today, especially in the professional sector, have a difficult time balancing femininity and confidence. The transition away from dresses and into more suit like looks (mimicking male dress code standards) is a prime example of this phenomenon. After reading a few posts from Amber, you will be rocking a classic 1950′s era dress like it’s nobody’s business…and loving it (this may be awkward at first for my male readers). Amber will share in her guest-post what inspired her to be the confident, classy woman she is today and how to find such inspiration in everyday life.

Jessica, author of Defining Wonderland

I asked Jessica, my blog soul mate, to guest blog as I have admired her perseverance to overcome fear of change and motivational ideology. Also, Jessica has written some posts (that I pinky swear I did not read before I blogged mine days later), that have been directly in line with my own thinking. As the saying goes, great minds think like mine alike. Jessica will end Inspiration Week on SSBlog by explaining how to find inspiration that works for you, from her perspective. It’s a great article you won’t want to miss!

I hope you enjoy Inspiration Week on SSBlog and getting to know these woman as much I have. Don’t forget to link back with your own post about what inspires you!


PS.Stick around next week for even more exciting posts (like a blog giveaway) as we make our way to 500 subscribers!