What Are Thoughts?

Posted on the 26 June 2013 by Albert Wagner @albertwagner4

 What do you think of magic?
  • It is all fake?
  • There is a "trick" behind the scenes you don't see?
  • It is not really happening as it appears to be?
  • All of the above?
But, do we know the limits of the human mind and what it is actually capable of?
In Dan Brown's book "Lost Symbols" one of the characters proposes an interesting point.  He asks,
What if a thought has mass, even though it is a small amount?
With gravity factored in, could thoughts and their energy travel and have an effect on others?  He seemed to be leading to the point that your thoughts could have an effect on the people around you.
This is interesting.
What significance does this have?  In the book it is suggested how important it is to the people around you to have positive mental thoughts.  It might seem to many that your thoughts do not impact other people, but this hypothesis suggests otherwise.  Even though the story of the book is fiction, the groups, places and ideas in it are nonfiction. 
In Brown's book he also discusses science and progress.  He proposes that throughout history a scientific advance not yet proven was usually considered like a '"miracle."  For example, if in the ancient times a person surmised the world was round, then people would have laughed at the person and said the oceans would spill over.  At the time a person would have been called something like a "lunatic"  for suggesting something that could not be scientifically proven.  The same concept applies to modern things like airplanes, microwaves and even the Internet used to write this.  So if someone thinks it is "crazy" to think that thoughts have mass, then Brown would respond by saying that they are not advanced enough.
Also, thoughts while dreaming are another interesting phenomena to question whether thoughts are spiritual.  Dreams, like thoughts, are not limited by space or time.  Have you had a dream where people were talking to each other who had never met each other and who had appeared in your life even decades apart?  Does this phenomena happen in the physical world?  If thoughts were merely physical this simply would not be, since physical things are limited by both space and time (as we know it, with limited understanding).
How thoughts work has not been advanced to the point we can understand them.  For instance, someone in a thousand years could think it was crazy that humans didn't realize that thoughts have mass in 2013.  How do you perceive someone who thought the earth was flat? (Who is the lunatic?)
Some have also questioned whether thoughts could conceivably play a role in karma.  The idea of karma means that the energy you send out (positive or negative) is the level of energy you receive back in your direction (positive or negative).  It seems spiritual energy would somehow be a part of  that energy.
So, while you are reading this article, what do the people around you think about your thoughts?
This adds meaning to life because:  It helps put into perspective how powerful your thoughts can be, both to you and others around you.
Further information about the topic can be found at:
Do Our Thoughts Have Mass?
Do Our Thoughts Have Mass? (Different author)
Human thought Has Mass