So what does Chasing Joy mean to me? Let me start by explaining what Chasing Joy isn't. Chasing Joy is not about being cheerful all the time. Chasing Joy is not an unrealistic look at life through rose colored glasses. Chasing Joy is not the daily musings and ramblings of an eternal optimist.
Chasing Joy means hope. Chasing Joy means getting up when you get knocked down. Chasing Joy means accepting that life can be hard, unfair, and down right shitty at times but deciding to have hope that things will eventually get better. Chasing Joy means deciding that having an unhappy life is not an option and making every reasonable effort to be as positive as possible during the bad times and fully embracing and appreciating the good times. Chasing Joy means creating the life that you want when things don't turn out how you planned. Chasing Joy means simply making the decision to have a joyful life no matter what and committing to doing the work to find your way back to being happy when you find yourself less than joyful. To do this we use the tools of gratitude, trying new things, practicing faith, making healthy lifestyle choices, building positive relationships, helping others, practicing self-care/ self-love and setting and accomplishing goals.
This blog, is about me challenging you to make your happiness a priority now. You don't have to wait until you are unhappy to start Chasing Joy.
What does Chasing Joy mean to you?
Read my about me page to learn a little more about me and why I am Chasing Joy.