What Does Faith Consist Of?

Posted on the 19 September 2013 by Albert Wagner @albertwagner4

When most people hear the word faith they think of an organized religion.
Organized religions are things such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism or Hinduism.  Supposedly if you believe in one of these you have faith.
From Dreamstime.com
The posts in this blog, however, look at things from different perspectives.
A person could also say you show your faith by practicing one of these major religions.  But, in doing so, what is this displaying?
The following is a list, based on Christianity, of some things that faith consists of.  This means they are things that are all parts of faith.  (Faith could be defined as a belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion).
What Is Christian Faith? 
1. Believing without seeing with your senses
Another way of thinking of faith is something you believe without seeing with your senses.  This means you are relying on something outside of yourself.
Thus, it is easy to speculate based on your level of knowledge.  Part of faith, however, means not taking your own opinion into account, as humans have limited knowledge of the infinite. 
2. Suspending opinions
Since we have limited knowledge of the infinite the next statements here logically follow from this.
*  One is not judging , but reflecting
It is natural for humans to judge each other.  We should remember, however, that God has not finished his work with you, so what you are judging others on is incomplete.
* The other is not analyzing, but taking God at his word
The Bible is God's Word.  It is not meant to analyze the probability that Jesus is the Son Of God and was resurrected from the dead.  What it is meant to do is try to understand and rely on what God revealed to humans.
And please don't forget another belief for those with faith.  It is,
* No one is wiser or more compassionate than your Creator.
3. Accepting your role in the universe
Some people do not like to admit they are the created, and not the creator.  But what kinds of things does that mean? 
   *  Everything you have and your characteristics are ultimately from God.  From this humans deduce they should worship God, and   God only.
   *  God evaluates based on what he makes, and not on what you think your "accomplishments" are.
   *  Other people do not stop God's will.
   *  Since God is in control of your life, things work on his time.  This could involve patience.
   *  Although God accepts you with your sins if you believe, it does not mean there are not consequences to your actions.
In addition to these three things there is another point about faith.
Having faith is not just about going to Mass, but about your actions and your relationship with God.
While it is good to got to Mass, the Mass is actually something to help guide you in the right direction.  In itself going to Mass does not make a person a Christian.
Having what faith consists of can bring meaning and contentment to your life.
How does this add meaning to your life?  Many people  in America goes to a Mass for about an hour a week on Sunday and call themselves "Christian."  It actually involves more than this for genuine faith.
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Author:  Albert Wagner