This post was an eye opener to what God was putting on my heart in 2011. Who knows what my life would have looked like if I had listened to his pull to leave Small Town for good, instead of coming back and trying it my way once again. Perhaps the heart break I'm feeling right this second wouldn't be so severe. So read on, for a glimpse of Brittany-19-months-ago.
Letter Machine
I know you all know how much I hate cover letters, since I whine about them all of the time.Well, I have been a cover-letter, job-applying machine in the last few weeks.
Once I broke the ice in applying to places outside of Small Town, I couldn't stop. I figured that if I was going to have to spend some period of time a few hundred miles away from the Boyfriend, I'd better make sure it was the best opportunity possible. AND, work continues to be horrible, despite me going in and attempting to keep to myself (like, two days ago, the Secretary had me call the State Law School to tell them they haven't filled my position yet - they've never given me an end date - and they would appreciate SLS continuing to collect resumes and sending them over). I need newness. I need a team-work atmosphere. I need to love going into work again. And right now, I guess that means weekend trips and mid-weeks Skyping (if his mountain-man internet can handle Skype, that is).
I am just really over being here right now. I spent the weekend in LA because of a death in the family. My great grandma I told you guys about passed away last week. Any time I go home to SoCal I wonder why I ever, ever considered living anywhere else. I need to be somewhere with more than one dry cleaner, more than one tailor and where I'm not forced to shop at Walmart. gag. I could also use some kind of financial windfall where I'd be able to afford to take the CA bar, and a bigger brain for actually passing it.
So, we'll see what happens. If you're a praying type, I could really use some prayer on guidance and where to go from here if an opportunity arises.