What Happened? RENOVATION

Posted on the 31 August 2013 by Omfgwinnie @omfgwinnie
Hi you guys so I haven't been blogging for a good few months and for all those eager readers and visitors, I am genuinely sorry. I felt that perhaps I got slightly distracted by other things to be posting all the time on blogger but maybe I could work this out and do a few posts every month. Also, I'm going to change a few things on my blog.. firstly my name.. Then the whole feel and look of my blog. So, a lot of work! I'll start posting about my life, travels and hauls of course and keep it to a life blog. When I logged back in for the first time in months today, I was welcomed with a few new followers and over 12000 views! INSANE.
Thank you so much for all those who still follow me and view my page, It's going to look ugly for a while until I can redesign everything from scratch.. sigh. Keep updated through my Twitter and Instagram: omfgwinnie.
I'll be posting very soon!