What Happens to Kids Who Were Bullied?

Posted on the 28 September 2012 by Bluecollarworkman @TB_BlueCollar

I wrote awhile back about having to clean up homes after they get foreclosed on, and how sometimes the cops have to kick down the door so that we can get in and do the clean-up job.

I had to do another clean up last week of a home where the people were evicted. And like always, the home was locked up and the police had to come so that we could get in.

Bullied? Make your choice.

Depending on the county that you live in, the police have different rules about what they can and can’t do. In some counties, the police can’t kick your door in, they can only knock. And if you don’t let them in, they ask us to drill out the lock and replace it with no damage.

In other counties, like the one I was in last week, it’s a frickin’ joke. The police show up in full army fatigues, like they just got done blowing up Bin laden, and wham! They batter the door down with their big battering ram. They blow that battering ram through the door like punching through tissue, and then walk away like they’re so tough, “that area is clear, you can go in and remove their items now.”

I get that some parts of the city are tougher than others and they have to deal with shady people, but when they act like they’re so tough, I always think, “Looks like someone got beat up a lot in highschool?”

This always gets me frustrated because they have this attitude where they’re in charge and everyone must obey.

They were bullied as kids and now they’re finally getting their chance to be “the big man” and bully and push other people around. What happens to kids who were bullied? They become douche cops!

Not all cops are douches. I know a lot of them that are cool. And not all kids that get bullied become douche cops, some get over it and lead productive, happy lives.

But the kids that were bulled and become douche cops are stupid. They get this power trip and they look stupid doing it.