I didn't want to show too many but I hope you enjoy the ones I've shown. Let me know below what you got? or what your favorite present was? or if you got any of the same things? I'd love to hear :)
First up was this absolutely gorgeous Disney Traditions ornament. I ADORE these! I've collected many of the The Little Mermaid ones and this was latest edition to the collection. I didn't realize when I looked at it before putting it on my wishlist that it is actually a musical figurine so that was a cute realisation. After you wind it up, it plays 'Under The Sea'. The reason I'm so drawn to them is obviously because it is Disney but I love the intricate details of how the characters have been carved, the time and effort that must have taken fascinates me. The attention to detail is phenomenal!

Anyway, there we have it! Just a few bits and pieces of what I got, hope you all had a lovely Christmas and again let me know what you got etc. :) Hope you all have a lovely New Year too!
Bring on 2015!