Diaries Magazine

What I Learnt from 2012

Posted on the 04 January 2013 by Lauraoatenx @lollylovesx
Hello everyone.
So 2012 is over and 2013 has officially begun, every new year we all start to have a look back at what the previous year was like and what we achieved in it. 2012 for me wasn't the best year for me it definitely had some ups and downs, I thought I would share what I have learnt with you all.
1- Think before you do something that is financially life changing. I really need to start using my head this year and be more financially aware. I'm 21 years old and I have no savings at all! Which by now I should.
2- I need to find a job that I really want to do and stick to it!
3- I shouldn't ice skate, ended up badly hurting my knee not good.
4- I need to look after myself more and try to eat more healthy. I ended up in hospital and I'm waiting to have my gallbladder taken out - not pleasant.
5- Always be the best that I can be and be positive at all times.
I am going to try and make 2013 amazing and I'm hoping I can learn a lot from 2013 but I will not dwell on it. Happy 2013 people
What I learnt from 2012

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