What I'm Loving and Friday's Letters

Posted on the 19 April 2013 by Brittanypigg @twinkletoesbrit
I am LOVING Essie's new spring line, Resorts. I recently bought all four of the colors in that line. It was so hard to pick which ones to wear first, but I finally decided on Come Here for my toes and First Timer for my fingers. Come Here is kind of like a neon coral, and First Timer is almost a mint green color.
 Come Here  First Timer  In The Cab-ana Under Where?    I'm also loving America. There are three things that I am very passionate about: my sorority, my university, and my country. After the Boston Marathon bombing, the West, Texas explosion, and the MIT incident that is just now coming on my TV in breaking news, I am so proud of and have so much love for my country and the first responders. The fact that these incidents all happened within 3 days could have taken our hope and love for America. If anything, it only added to our pride.   Dear Sonic, I'm going to have to ask you to take peanut butter banana milkshakes off your menu. Those could become an obsession real fast.   Dear Laci Lou Who, How are you already 7 years old? Please stop getting older!   Dear sweepstakes and giveaways, Why do you pull me in like you do? I know how slim my chance of winning is, but that doesn't stop me!   Dear Jodi Arias trial, Please end. I'm tired of you hogging the TV all the time.