What I’m Pinning

Posted on the 22 December 2011 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

I’m at a loss for blogging topics lately, other than being whiny about how my pants are getting tighter. So, instead of annoying you with pregnancy updates, I present to you, What I’ve Been Pinning.

Pinterest is such an amazing place to find stuff, and I mean STUFF! Funny, creative, fashionable stuff!

Here’s what I’ve come across the past few days:

Normally, I find these “Keep Calm” sayings annoying, but nothing is as annoying but still as hilarious as Dr. Sheldon Cooper.

My dog is known to do this in the winter, and it helps that she’s an Alaskan Malamute too! Snow is like crack to her, and when it’s snowing, all she wants to do is be outside! I have quite a few photos of her looking very similar to the dog in that photo!

I never thought I’d have the balls to buy a expensive bottle of nail polish, but I splurged last week and bought a bottle of Essie polish in Chinchilly. I never paint my fingernails, but I love this wintery shade and I did a pretty good job! (Even on my right hand, lol!)

How can you not browse Pinterest and not drool over the amazing recipes? This one has all my favourites too!

Who else remembers the Mr. & Little Miss books? I loved them growing up!

What have you been searching Pinterest for? Anything in specific?

You can view the rest of my pins here!