What I’m Pinning

Posted on the 08 February 2012 by Karaevs @KaraEvs

What I’m Pinning

Here’s what’s been catching my eye on Pinterest lately …

How cute is this?! I think it’s a beagle nose, but it reminds me of my Daphne :)

What I’m Pinning

In my life, this person is my husband:

What I’m Pinning

I REALLY want this yellow scarf! It would make winter so much cheerier!

When we found out we were having a girl, I immediately fell in love with the creamy yellow/lavender color scheme. You better believe it’s happening!

This series of photos seriously made me laugh. I’ll admit that I’m probably guilty of at least one or two of the poses. (But I won’t say which ones )

I really don’t like raisin cookies, but Kyle absolutely loves them. It’s a cookie war in my kitchen, to say the least …

I really, really, want button art like this for the baby room!

That’s enough for today!

What have YOU been Pinning lately?