Diaries Magazine

What I Received For Christmas 2014

Posted on the 29 December 2014 by Alex_bumptobaby @bumptobaby_blog
What I Received For Christmas 2014
I have always been really lucky and super grateful at christmas time, I always receive such lovely gifts and it means a great deal to me, especially now I'm a parent and the main focus is essentially on Ethan.
I have thrown this post together super quickly just to share some of the wonderful things that I was lucky enough to receive this year from the people I love. :)
pearl drop earrings
 These pearl drop earrings were a gift from Adam, I love them so much.
gift vouchers
I received lots of gift cards which I can't wait to spend!
What I Received For Christmas 2014
My mom got me the diffuser and scented candle set. The cat socks are from Adams parents and the knee high socks from Adam. I also received a photography book from Adam which I can't wait to read, as I would love to know to how to use my camera better!
What I Received For Christmas 2014
My mom got me an owl box that sort of looks like a thick book, I plan to keep either important documents or keepsakes inside of it. The navy coloured shoulder bag was a gift from Adams family. 
What I Received For Christmas 2014
Adams sister brought me the cat wheat bag. And the purse was from Adam. 
iphone 6 cover, iPhone 6 cat cover
Adam also brought me a new iPhone cover for my new iPhone 6. It's very me ;)
What I Received For Christmas 2014
I received a cosy pair of pajamas from Adam, that I have been living in ever since I opened them, quite literally! I'm sure there's an unwritten rule that says you can wear pyjama bottoms 24/7 when you're pregnant ;)
What I Received For Christmas 2014
This little purse/pouch was from Adams parents. 
What I Received For Christmas 2014
My Mum got me these mirrored wall stickers for my house. 
jewellery holder
This jewelry holder was a gift from Ethan (and Daddy) ;)
What I Received For Christmas 2014
My talented sister Louise drew this for Adam and I of Ethan. She is amazing at art and this really does mean a lot to us!
I know that I've missed some stuff out, but I'd sort of put everything away before I took the photos for this post, so I had to try and dig it all back out again! You can just about make out another pair of pajamas that I received from Adams parents and a cat calendar that my friend Vicky brought for me and I received some christmas money too. 
I'm so grateful for all the presents that not only I received but Adam and Ethan too. We had such a wonderful christmas and feel utterly spoilt :)
What I Received For Christmas 2014
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