Today is...a day.A day of no importance, but I have an important message. No, no, scratch that. Not a message, a question. When was it ever acceptable to seen pictures of penises out? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm flattered you think I'm remotely attractive enough for you to send me a picture of your...manhood asking me to do things I won't do for my ACTUAL boyfriend. But was there a convention of people who were just like: "What's going to be in this year?""How about penis pictures?""By George, I think we've got it."And BAM, it was a thing.I mean, somewhere, deep down in the pits of NOWHERE, some people might think penises are attractive. I do not. Sorry random guy. Can't help you in that department.This guys somewhat knows my name, or at least he called me by my name, so that's the creepy part.So I told all my friends about what went on and everyone is like:"What did you say?"And I did nothing, but HE KEPT SENDING PICTURES ALL NIGHT. Asking where I was, could I take off my clothes and I'm just like:
And continued to ignore him, but he was persistent all the next day so I went on the internet, googled diseased genitals, took a picture of it, and sent him it with a text saying: Want a handful of this?"Needless to say, he didn't respond, but his response would have looked a little like this:
So the question is: WHEN DID IT BECOME ACCEPTABLE TO SEND PENISES OVER THE PHONE? Is it nice to look at? NO, NO, NO, DON'T DO IT.Stop it America.This is why no one likes us.