Of course, I started to wonder what my POGO is. When I am not around what do all my friends say about me? What is that one annoying of unflattering thing that I own.
Could it be that weird laugh I do when I am only paying half-attention and then everyone else laughs so I have to force out a laugh. I make this weird huffing noise, that is mostly just a big belly full of air with an odd sound attached to it. If it wasn't obvious that I wasn't paying attention before, it is when I make that horrific noise. Is that my POGO?
Sometimes I am too nosey. If there are a few of us in a car headed somewhere and one person is texting. I insist on knowing who they are texting and the content of the conversation. Most of the time it's because I think I am going to uncover a deep, dark secret. Usually it really is a pretty boring text. Also if Jared answers the phone while we are in the same room, before he can mutter out a sentence I want to know who is on the other line. TELL ME!
Or is it that I can't keep my hands off other people's things. My friend Emma came to work a little later than I did this morning. I wasn't sure if she was coming in today or not. I saw these fruit snacks just lurking on her desk. I debated for a solid 10 minutes, then I decided I could eat them, and bring her more on Monday. She'd never know! So I snatched them up and ate them. Then she came in the door like 20 minutes later. Ooops.
Or is that I have 3 fingers on my right hand that are fat.
What is my POGO?
Have you ever thought about what your POGO could be? What do your friends say about you, what is the 1 things they all talk about when you're not in the room.
So tell me what do you think your POGO is?