Self Expression Magazine

What is Success

Posted on the 11 May 2012 by Lucyfindlater

  Have you succeeded without knowing it?


These days "success" means you need to be a millionaire and own 10 homes, but it that really the case?

What is successIn a perfect world, we would all be complete success stories. We would all have bundles of money, 5 cars and 10 homes all over the world from Dubai to the north pole. However we do not realize that success does not actually have to be related with finance or items you possess. Success can be anything, from crossing the road without being hit with a car, to getting away with murder (do not quote me on that.) 
Success is different for different people and that should be respected. I believe I am successful because I changed a negative situation I was in, into something that is great. I learnt from the situation I was in and that to me is success. I may not be a millionaire but I am definetly in a better situation now and that is from my own doing. 
What is success Give yourself the credit you deserve and realize that you have succeeded. If you are happy with the way a bad situation worked out because you made a change, then you have succeeded. If you have overcome an illness, whether it be a mental or physical illness you have succeeded. You get what I am trying to say, you can change the way you deal with things and the perspective you give upon them. Your effort in things withh always make a difference, things just take time.

What is success

Focus on your goals.

 I have said it before and I will say it again,
Its who you are inside that makes you a star.

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