I was labeled melancholy as a child (in addition to kleptomaniac, compulsive liar, and rebellious). Add middle child and Dr. Benjamin Spock hammered the last nail in the coffin that was my personality. In the 1980's Hippocrates' four humors was experiencing a resurgence in works like Why You Act the Way You Do. You had to be sanguine (loud), choleric (bossy), phlegmatic (lazy), or melancholy (emo).
Generation Xer's like myself cringed at these categories. First of all, THERE WERE ONLY FOUR. Second of all, they only captured our obvious trait (read fault) and that with stereotypical accuracy. The temperaments, though fundamentally accurate, weren't comprehensive enough to capture those unique stirrings within us that never rippled strong enough to register on the personality map but were there all the same, causing millions of us to wonder if we ever could really know ourselves or if others would ever really know us.With the close of the 1980's came the upheaval of nations, the collapse of borders, and the advent of the global village. Cultural means of communication and expression, never before experienced, dramatically increased over the next twenty years. Breakthroughs in online communication, digital simulation and wireless accessibility introduced an entirely new dimension to the catalog of human behavior: the virtual dimension.
Virtual means of expression created new behavioral norms, contributed by phenomena like rapid technological innovation, variegation of the nuclear family, alternative realities, and the reduction of time and space. Simplistic Newtonian physics of linear cause-and-effect have rapidly given way to the quantum theory of repeat viewing, parallel narratives, probability theory, blank space, and the uncertainty principle. We are simply more culturally complex than pre-global culture.TraitMarker is an online personality branding tool that treats the virtual dimension of personality as real as traditional views of personality. TraitMarker offers 27 simple scenarios that, should you answer honestly, will render you a traitMark, a personality profile you will find to be illuminating. So what makes traitMarker unique?1) Recognizing the influence technology has over our lives is a unique part of the traitMarker assessment. TraitMarker uses the borderless character of technology to describe personality. For example, the Guardian has the organizational traits of a computer firewall. Several of the traitMarker category names are even inspired by technology like Framer, Merger, Server, Engineer, and Gamer.2) TraitMarker takes into consideration the elasticity of personality. Instead of your personality having a rigid, given form, traitMarker views personality more like a ball of putty. Your personality comprises all of the possible contortions you can make without pulling the putty apart. That is some flexibility. You probably are unaware of the solutions that lie within you for your signature struggles.3) This is the fun part: traitMarker identifies your personality description to be 1 of 165 different traitMarks! We can offer such diversity of personality descriptions because the matrix we use is based upon a quantum view of personality. TraitMarker is simply a new kind of personality assessment.It's been 28 years since I first learned I was melancholy, and the Spock Method is now an historical fixture in the field of psychology. It has been almost three years since traitMarker liberated me from the stereotype I saw myself as.TraitMarker launches on APRIL 1, 2012 at traitMarker.com.