What Makes Me Happy

Posted on the 14 May 2013 by Lifeofasportswife @jessaolson
To continue with the challenge to blog every day in May by Story of My life. Today is all about things (10 to be exact) that Make Me Happy. This isn't the blog that I invisioned but the weekend was busy and emotional to say the least. So here's a quick list of things that I LOVE!!

1. My iPhone! I don't know what I would do without it. It has everything on it!

2. Nook/books. I love to read so it has all my favorite books on it. My favorite is still paperback or hardback books. Nothing replaces a book like a real book, not a tech book.
3. Crafts: When I get a chance I love craft time. I don't get to as much as I would like, but its still relaxing!
4. Family! I love my hubs and puppy!! They make me so happy. 
5. Blog. I absolutely LOVE writing and checking out other blogs. 
6. Junior League: I love the friends that I have made since I have joined.
7. Sports: Go figure, right? I love going to games and having a good time.
8. Sunglasses: I love my bright pink glasses. I could wear them everywhere.
9. Chips and Salsa/Dip: That is my comfort food.
10. Purses. I love purses!!

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