What’s in a Name

Posted on the 30 July 2013 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

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William Shakespeare in his play Romeo and Juliet proclaimed, “What’s in a name?” There is a lot in a name, especially when it comes to dating.

Some people have beautiful names and some have names leaving you wondering what their parents were smoking when they were named.

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”~William Shakespeare 

What’s in a name you ask?

When you are dating, you often add the person’s name in your phone book which has now replaced the old black-book. There was one woman who I went on one date with named Miriam and she called me often even before the first date. I added a description to her name which I described in my book, Motor Mouth. So she now had a name, Miriam Motor Mouth!

You need to be aware of problems that may arise and you will know what’s in a name, so check out this video I found: