By Liz
In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Juliet asked “ What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” I however am asking what is in a nickname? With a name like Elizabeth that has a plethora of alias to choose from I am no stranger to the nickname. To my knowledge I was named with the nickname already in mind. For as long as I can remember I’ve always felt more connected to Lizzie and Liz vs. the proper Elizabeth. Don’t get me wrong I do love my name, my parents did well if I say so myself… Eight! Yes, eight separate nicknames that I am regularly associated with and identify with. I know of people whom prefer to only go by their proper name, let alone eight additional classifiers. This is not even counting sweet endearments that are given on a regular basis too. I've already shared Liz and Lizzie two of my pseudonyms. Now, as you can see Lizzie is spelled with an 'ie' and not a 'y'. Never a 'y', I don't know why, but it drives me crazy to see the 'y'. Family, friends, school all called me Lizzie until I went to college when I started introducing myself as Liz. I don't mind being called Lizzie still, it's who I am. However, in the professional world, I'm not ready for Elizabeth unless I have to, so Liz it is. My lovely kin in the south have added to Lizzie and call me Lizzie-lyzzie or Lizzie-Lou.For my immediate family and a very few select peeps get to call me one of the variations that my Dad gave me at a very young age. Okay, this is weird, but again it's me and I'm weird so who cares right? Ready for it?... Scuzbucket. Yes, Scuzbucket. If I hear the name Scuzbucket on the street or in a store I will turn around knowing that my family is trying to get my attention. Derived from Scuzbucket comes two more nicknames that are from that nickname. Confused yet? Me too! Trying to map all this out takes some heavy duty navigation. Scuz and Scuzzie, are the two other connecting names in this long list of monikers. The next two are given from the friend realm. Lizard, is a common one used in the playful sense. It brings back good memories and makes me think of a dear friend Dennis, whom would call me Lizard all the time. I then aptly named him Den-ard. Very original, I know! Going back to my camp days I was given another moniker by a British gent and whom my friend and his now lovely wife still use this name in addressing me. Lizbef. He once told me that in french the name, not me had a resemblance to roast beef. Hmmm.....Last, but not least in my mind is a name that given solely by my sister Micki or shall I say Mule? Well, she calls me Nag to her Mule. Yes, for all of you movie lovers out there you guessed right! A League of Their Own the 1992 film where sisters Kit and Dottie affectionately call each other Mule and Nag. I'm not sure if it was the sister's relationship that in someways mirrored ours, or the love of the game that made the names seem very appropriate for the Morris sisters. My Mule is the only one that can call me Nag without bringing up any feelings of abhorrence.That sums up the many alias' of Elizabeth, or shall I say Liz. Looking at common nicknames for Elizabeth on Wikipedia, there are over 32 common monikers for the name. Wowzers Penny! That's a lot and I only have to deal with eight. A little etymology for you though. Nickname originates from eke-name in 1303 which means 'additional name'. Although the spelling has changed, the pronunciation and meaning have relatively stayed the same.