What’s in the Boot of Your Car and What It Says About You

Posted on the 22 March 2012 by Fab40foibles @fab40foibles

Sun18march 006

This weekend I picked up a cheap second hand bike for my son at a local car boot sale. I was amazed to fit it into my teeny car, especially with everything that normally lives in the boot. It got me thinking about what this says about me, and as I can’t get in touch with Lloyd “irritating voice” Keyhole, I’ll just have to do it myself.

So, as we can see, starting on the right our guest, or should I say victim has a couple of picnic blankets – this shows either a)she eats outside a lot or b)her kids like making dens in unusual places.

Behind this we can see a couple of cans of washer fluid and oil, showing a) she’s very organized or b) she’s only just changed to a car that doesn’t need more oil than petrol.

To the left we can see a box of games and dice, obviously she’s a) really fun mom who’s always up for a game with her darling offspring b) a teacher whose cupboard in the staffroom is overflowing.

The jump leads point to a) a community spirited kinda girl, b) someone whose husband didn’t quite get all those hints about her worrying the car wouldn’t start around Christmas last year, what a practical guy, much more practical than, erm, A NEW CAR, for example.

The trainers and rollerblades show this lady is a) someone who’s always ready for action, b) keeps “forgetting” her sports kit so she can’t work out during the week.

Of course now we get to the worrying stuff, the crime scene tape shows clearly someone of an unstable nature, and that big bag of tissues isn’t very reassuring is it? I’ll leave you to find your own alternative explanations for these particular items.

So, what’s in your boot and what does it say about you?