Whatever was inside must be very valuable! Perhaps it was a glass sculpture.
It must be very large, too!
The item came encased in much padding.
When autopsied, the padding was made of a white foamy substance. It could not be destroyed by man-made force or by nature.
Boxes within boxes were about to unleash their secret!
More wrappings! The gift must be very fragile and precious indeed. Our anticipation was high.
They were revealed. The item on the left is a little spoon used for dipping olives or cherries out of a jar. The item on the right is a garlic press. Oh, fragile beauties, only the grace of God could have prevented damage to you on your treacherous voyage to our home. Can we even touch you? Nay. You will go into a precious cabinet, and we will gaze at you from time to time. The person who so lovingly packaged you has destroyed our planet in one swift stroke, but no matter: You are safe.