What's Made My Heart Sing This Week
Posted on the 26 February 2012 by Jane
You precious Planetarians! Apologies for the delay in getting CommentLuv up and running again - I'm still waiting to hear back from their (normally prompt and courteous) Help Desk. In the interim, I hope I have enabled Old Boy Blogger to allow comments on this post - fingers crossed. We've had a full and eventful week on Planet Baby - I'll share the low-down with you very soon. But for the moment, I thought I'd share you some of my crafty projects which have brought me pleasure this week. Let me know what you think!
Some beribboned fun
A girlfriend had her birthday this week so I had pleasure in whipping up this little number. I took a punt on her liking red and navy. The navy grosgrain ribbon was extremely fine so it took double the time for the red ribbon. When I turned up at her house, she was wearing a red cardigan - bingo!
Then a little friend turned one so I made her this, guessing that pink would be appropriate. It went down a treat with my dear friend, her mum, so that put a smile on my dial.
Prettying up my scissors
I took a close look at my sewing scissors the other day and thought they needed a spruce up. Not a pretty look, is it?
The answer? I grabbed some washi tape and started a-twirling. Five minutes later and hey presto! Swish-looking scissors which are a pleasure to hold - the tape is soft and enables a bigger grip than the metal.
Some more decorating for *my room of my own*I adore Typo and their 'buy 3 letters or symbols for $10' deal. I snaffled some @ symbols (do you know there is no actual word for it? Curious, don't you think?) and pulled out some pretty French ribbon I'd bought at the lustworthy 'Store & Co'. I ran out of ribbon and had to order some more. But I love it so much as it is, I might just leave it like this. What do you think? And yes, the ribbon is green, blue and white. Quelle surprise!
Purchasing some resplendent ribbonHmm, it seems ribbon made my world go around this week, don't you think?! I bought these pretties for a snap and they brought me so much pleasure. My colours, of course. And the mixture of crisp gingham, striped grosgrain and soft velvet made my heart flutter. They're all so amazingly tactile and hold the promise of something beautiful to be created from them.
Making some cardsAs part of participating in A Month of Letters, I have delighted in making some cards. I used my acrylic paints to daub some circles onto paper. Once dry, I punched out circles from the painting and glued them to cardstock (for the locals, I swear by Chickenfeed's packets of 6 cards and envelopes for $2). I was delighted with the result. These missives of love are now winging their way around the world, with the carrier pigeons flapping their hardest. And some of them are destined for the mailboxes of Planetarians so keep your eyes open!Here's another one I made of punched hearts for a special Planetarian friend in wintery Europe.
Inventing some wrapping paperI had fun making this paper for my sister-in-law's birthday present. I've been dying to make it for ages. Just buy a cheap packet of coloured paper confetti and scatter it all over a sheet of adhesive contact. Seal it with another layer of contact and hey presto! Wrapping paper with attitude is the result ☺.
Decorating my birdcages
As part of playing around with *my room of my own*, I decided to pretty up a couple of birdcages I'd had for a while. Here's the before shot. Pretty but plain. Here are my tools of trade. Can you imagine what I did with them? I'll show you later in the week - I know, I'm such a tease! I adore the result. And what's better still is that it was my own idea, not just something I'd spotted on Pinterest. Woo hoo!
Receiving some unexpected, joy-producing mail
A while ago, I sent a card to sweet Emma who hadn't blogged for ages. She's been the busy mama of her 2 gorgeous pirates whilst they've been renovating their fabulous Sydney home. Emma was so chuffed to hear from me that she sent us a parcel. It was addressed to:And it was sent by:Gorgeous, don't you think? The pixies were besides themselves with excitement. Here's the before photo. And the after - what was inside but a brilliant, detail-rich pirate puzzle! We set to and finished it excitedly in about 20 minutes flat. It's been used all weekend long - an absolute winner in the present stakes. And Emma also sent me a delightful steel water bottle with the prettiest pattern. Thankyou, Gorgeous Girl - you made us all very happy!
So I'll leave you there on that up-note - hopefully a good portent for the coming week for us all. What's made your hearts sing this week? Do share - let's experience your joys vicariously ☺.