Hello darling readers!
It’s been a week of carefully selecting recipes to try for Yule (white chocolate-pistachio bark?) and plotting various other holiday activities, like watching “Elf” and drinking Bailey’s. Also, I love holiday candy. Particularly these:
So What’s Making Me Happy?
If you looked at Google’s banner yesterday (Dec. 8th) you saw this:

Look closely.... see Frida?
The banner honoured Diego Rivera on his 125th birthday. Even more awesome is the little figure on the bottom-right dressed in a long skirt and green shawl; none other than La Gran Ocultadora herself, Frida Kahlo. You have NO IDEA how happy this makes me!
I discovered this adorable owl template on 3 Eyed Bear. You just download the PDF, fold and glue and you’ve got a 3D paper owl! It’s totally free and there are a bunch of different colours, see:
This article is great, as is everything from The Bloggess. I too, know the pain of holiday decorating with asshole cats.
Did you hear about the 400 year old witch cottage they found in England??? I wish we had 400 year old ANYTHING in Canada.
So, not to brag or anything, but Ryan Gosling grew up a couple cities over from me. YEP. I’m awesome. Anyways, check out “5 Signs that Ryan Gosling is God”
True Story: I’ve Seen Ghosts is a cute interview with a girl who comes from a perceptive family. I like the part about her mom staying away from amethyst because it makes her more sensitive. I always keep amethyst with my tarot cards.
Have a great weekend lovelies! Go for a walk and look at everyone’s decorations and lights. Bring a flask.