What’s Making Me Happy This Week?!

Posted on the 21 January 2012 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

What’s Making Me Happy This Week?!

Fiancé just gifted me a Cinnamon Dolche latte from Starbucks and I’m writing this in bed, still wearing yesterday’s makeup. Week 2 of my 4-month long temp job was completed with slightly less waterworks than Week 1, so I consider that a success. The past week was full of snow, Twinings Ultra-Spice Chai and many, many podcasts.

So, What’s Making Me Happy?

On the podcast “WTF with Marc Maron,” comedian Tom Glass came out of the closet (to the general public anyways) and the discussion that followed was honest and very intelligent. Go listen NOW. Find it on iTunes. excerpt:

“Leave everybody the fuck alone… let people do what they want.”

The Descendants won Golden Globes!

I cleaned the apartment. Trust me, this is a HUGE triumph.

Gala Darling affirms everything I’ve been saying about celebrating every day.

Weird winter weather in Ontario. On any given day this week I was snowed, rained and shined upon. I wore mittens and ballet flats. I love it.

I purchased a Hello Kitty blanket and have been wearing it cape-style for the last 3 days.

L’Oréal Colour Riche Balm is sooooo good. If you’re looking for an everyday lip balm with a bit of colour, this is it.

This Frida Kahlo coloring book is adorable.

This article on recognizing your inner critic is enlightening.

Sometimes, parents rock.

What’s Making Me Happy This Week?!