I want to live here...
This week, I live-tweeted Season 1 of Dawson’s Creek (Highlight: I’m just going to say what we’re all thinking. Pacey has a unibrow.) I also donated a little cash to the World Wildlife Fund because I’m ashamed to be in the same genetic category as Donald Trump and his evil poacher sons. They should have their human cards revoked.
Onward to happier things:
What’s Making Me Happy This Week

Bebe Buell is one of my heros. She was the inspiration for Penny Lane in Almost Famous and she’s Liv Tyler’s mama. Here’s a great interview with her and Cameron Crowe. My favourite part:
It was the guys that made the fuss. They wanted to have the relationships. I would have been perfectly happy just loving the music.
This blog is really great. This quote is amazing.
By now, you know that I’m obsessed with Hawaiian culture. Here’s a little bit about Ho’oponopono:
Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.
Also, I’m reading Scott Cunningham’s book on Hawaiian spirituality. Here’s a bit about Huna, a Hawaiian New Agey spiritual path, if you’re interested.
A post about happiness.
A NY Times article from 1990 about the rising popularity of Frida Kahlo. It was written by Hayden Herrera, who wrote the definitive biography.
This is a very interesting post about defining your “brand.” I think it could also apply to defining what kind of person you want to be.
I enjoyed looking at this while Dawson’s Creek played in the background.
FINALLY someone got around to making a margarita scented room spray. It freaking took them long enough!