Self Expression Magazine

What’s Making Me Happy This Week!

Posted on the 13 April 2012 by Bunnysunday @missbunnysunday

What’s Making Me Happy This Week!

I can sum up my week in three sentences:




I have a serious crush on Peter Dinklage. Did you know he was born in New Jersey? I’m going to pretend I don’t know that and go back to thinking his accent is real.

Black cat auditions in Hollywood circa 1961. Mort-Mort could out sass all of those cats. Evidence:

What’s Making Me Happy This Week!

Pictures of Victorians smiling. It’s weird. They look like us…

Tres, tres creative ideas for storing and preparing food.

An inspiring story about not succumbing to your backup plan.

Deviled Cadbury Creme Egg anyone?

Good advice for writers. Simple. Effective. Common Sense. I love writers who describe their craft as “showing up for work everyday.” I never trust a writer who talks in esoteric terms about The Muse. I believe in The Muse. I believe the more you write, the more likely you are to bump into Her.

If your day was a demonic shit storm, you should read this NOW.

A hotel room made out of an old airplane. I shall check in tomorrow.

This office looks like something out of a modern re-telling of Grimm’s fairy tales.

Tim Hortons donuts were an “item of the day” on Hello Giggles. Take that L.A.!

And there you have it.

Oh, and this video of Rufus Wainwright and Helena Bonham Carter which is pretty fucking fantastic:

What’s Making Me Happy This Week!

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