What's On My I-Phone?!

Posted on the 30 June 2013 by Sparklesandstretchmarks @raine_fairy
I saw one of these posts on somebodys elses blog recently (I forgot who, I'm sorry!)  and thought it was really interesting so I decided to one myself!
I've completed every possible other variation of these posts - Whats In My Bag, Whats In My Make Up Bag, Whats In My Hospital Bag, Whats In My Changing Bag....so now it seems only right to bring you Whats On My Iphone!
I only joined the world of the I Phone about a month ago - prior to that I had a Blackberry Curve which I really didn't like much at all but was sort of stuck with!
One day whilst bored at home I randomly decided to apply for an Iphone - and the next day it arrived. From that moment I don't think its left my hand for more than a few hours while I sleep - otherwise it is permanently attached to me!!! I LOVE it!!
I'm sure there are still lots of apps I've yet to discover but these are the ones I currently have on my phone....

Aside from the standard apps featured on all i-devices, on this screen we have:
Baby & Bump Forums - I joined Baby & Bump when I was about 7 weeks pregnant and joined a thread with some other expectant mums all due within a few weeks of each other. There were around 10 or 12 of us to start off with - all from various countries, some USA, some UK, some Ireland - and we would all chat every day about our symptoms, our plans, our appointments, etc....
Throughout the 9 months a few people trailed off - but to this day, there are 5 of us that still go on the thread most days and chat about our lives and our babies who are all now around the 3 month old mark - all of us are first time mums so its been so lovely to go through pregnancy with these girls and still chat to them now. I hope we all continue to do so as our babies get older as I feel like I know them and their babies so well now!
Because I check the forum everyday to see whats happening with the girls, and try to update as often as possible, I have the app on my phone for ease of access!

Three - This is the Three network app, which basically just enables me to see my bills and my monthly usage etc
Whats App - I love Whats App as its SO handy for chatting to people and its completely free! I constantly have conversations going with Rachel who blogs at BeautyQueenUK! If you're on Whats App and you want to add me, let me know! I'm always up for a natter!
Facebook - I'm guilty of being one of those people who is forever checking Facebook and refreshing the page to check for new notifications - how sad!
Twitter - Pretty much the same as above! If you're on Twitter, feel free to add me - I'm @raine_fairy
Instagram - I'm quite a recent convert to Instagram but its fast become one of my favorite sites! If you're on there, why not add me?! I'm alongcamehayley
Blogger - Not the most useful of apps admittedly, but handy to have!
Withings - This is the app that accompanies our Withings baby scale and keeps track of Tyne's weight
Sky News - The first thing I do after checking my emails every morning is check the news, and Sky News has always been my news channel of choice. I like the headline pop ups this app gives you too
TV Catchup - I don't use this very often but its handy if i'm out and bored waiting in the car or something. It basically streams live TV.
YouTube - Again, I don't use this very often but its handy to have!
TV Guide - I love this app as I'm terrible for wanting to watch something on TV and forgetting when its on, this app allows you to browse the days TV listings and set reminders for programmes you want to watch
Million Pound Drop - I LOVE quiz shows and the Million Pound Drop is one of my favourites! I have only recently downloaded the app and have only used it once to play along with the show, but it was fun!
BBC Iplayer - I've yet to use this, I downloaded it because my Dad wanted me to find a radio programme he'd missed but I'm sure it'll come in handy at some point!

Sing -  This is my guilty pleasure app! I LOVE karaoke and Singstar, and this app is basically just that - you sing your favorite songs and then listen to them back, and can compete against other people if you want to - its so much fun but I rarely play it as I have to make sure nobody is around to hear me belting the tunes out!! 
The Wonder Weeks -This app was recommended to me by one of my Baby & Bump friends and its so good! It basically tells you the different stages of development that your baby is at and warns you of when they will be going through developmental "leaps" which might cause changes in their routines and behaviour, and gives you tips on how to handle them and help them through the leap.
Shazam - I always have Shazam on any device, I love it - I often hear a song on the radio or an advert and want to know who sings it so I find it really useful!
Collage - This is basically an app for creating collages, handy for blog photos!
BeautifulMess - This is an app for editing photos and I love it, I use it for pretty much all of my blog photos!
Calm - This is an app which features various meditations, I haven't used it much yet but keep meaning to!
Grid Diary - This is basically a daily quick-diary which I have been trying to use to keep a little log of things Tyne does, etc - tbh its not all that great!
PPH - I use People Per Hour to look for writing jobs, and have found it to be really good so far! The app is really handy as it means I never have to lose out on a potential job if I'm out and about!
Bloom.fm - I love this app! Its basically a selection of radio stations - I use it mostly for the lullaby channel and the bedtime stories channel - both of which Tyne loves!
PF Free - This is a Plane tracking app. I live right next to Liverpool Airport so I find it interesting to see which flights are going overhead!
British Red Cross First Aid - I think all parents need to have this on their phones! Hopefully you'll never need to use it, but it makes me feel better just having it to hand!
Relax Me - Again, this is another relaxation app - it features relaxing background sounds such as rainfall, birdsong, etc - I downloaded it to use as white noise for Tyne.
Paypal - I use Paypal a lot for writing jobs, so I find the app handy to have to check that payments have been made.

Icon Pop Song - This is basically a "Name That Tune" game - its a bit basic but fun if you're bored!Instaframe - basically a collection of frames for Instagram pics!Gumtree - We were recently looking for a new house so I used Gumtree a lot to have a look at what was available
So there you have it! Those are my apps!
What apps would you recommend to me? Which ones are your favourites? As always, I'd love to hear from you!