Ethan is really into his books, just as I was as a child. He has a minimum of four stories read to him a day - two at nap time and two just before bedtime. We've read every single book he owns (which is many!) but he doesn't mind he loves hearing them over and over again. Adam and I both find it really hard not to keep buying new books for him, who doesn't love a new book? The smell of a brand new book is worth the money in itself. We try and hit our closest charity shop whenever we can, we'll usually pick up a new toy car and whatever good books are there, usually for around ten pence each.
Since I've started blogging and reading other peoples blog I've really got in to different seasons and holidays a lot more and it's really inspired me to make the most of them with the boys, despite their young age. Ethan's not at an age where he'll be going trick or treating and Logan's not of an age where he even understands what day of the week it is, let alone that Halloween's on it's way. Despite this, I have picked up a little skeleton baby grow for Logan to wear on Halloween and I did spend a little money on some brand new Halloween themed books for Ethan to read. Added with last years collection, he's got a bit of a Halloween-themed book collection going on and so I thought it might be nice to share a look at what's on his Halloween bookshelf. I've also taken pictures of what the books look like inside as I personally always like to know what a book is like inside before buying it, so hopefully this will be of some help to you if you're like and like to see inside first.

Have you and your little ones got a favorite halloween-themed book that you love to read? I'd love to know which ones are your favourites.