What’s Possible?

Posted on the 21 November 2012 by Rjnielsen039 @RobertJ_Nielsen

“If you think a thing is impossible, you’ll make it impossible.”  ~Bruce Lee~

Reality is dictated by your own belief, expectation, and determination, or focus. Many great people throughout history have come to this conclusion, from religious leaders, scientists, philosophers, and entertainers. Many people feel that they have to “play the hand they’ve been dealt” so to speak. This isn’t so. It’s a concept similar to the ‘Blue Car Theory’, where  you buy a blue car, or take interest in a specific car, and you start seeing them everywhere. What you expect is what you will receive. This doesn’t mean that you will receive a check for a million dollars in your mail box tomorrow if you expect it tonight. These things take time. If you expect, believe, and focus on celebrity status, wealth, happiness, further education, or whatever it may be, it will come to fruition. If you expect to fail, or perceive the world around you in a negative light, then that’s what you’ll see. Too many people focus on the negativity around them in the news, television and movies, etc., and they perceive the world as this horrible place with danger and despair lurking around every corner. Want to be happier? Want to live a limitless and fulfilling life? Believe it. Expect it. Focus on making it happen.