What Team Are You On? {Fantasy Football}

Posted on the 30 August 2012 by Brittany_tyd @Brittany_TYD
I am writing this in a word document, because I am without internet at the moment. There are some major life changes happening to me now. I have to ask for your patience and kindness while I wait to blog about it all until I’m ready. I’m happy to talk on twitter/email (as some of you already have), I’m just not ready or able to write anything that sounds put together enough or OK enough to have a permanent home here on the blog… 
What I want to talk to you gals about today is Fantasy Football
Are any of you “playing” in a league this year? I was invited on Friday night to an all girls league. I doubt the likelihood of my winning because our draft took place on Saturday morning and I spent about 15 minutes making my list of players. 

The sweet girl who invited me to play with her league, and I, in law school.
Happier times - when we weren't in the library ;).

Typically, in prior years, I spend HOURS researching players, looking at who will be paried up with whom most of the season (if a QB likes one particular Wide Reciever or Running back more than others), and deciding who to choose because I like them, and who to choose because they will get me the most points. 
Not this year. This year I picked people I remembered from last year and people who Yahoo believed would be the best. 
We will see what happens. 
My main problem thus far is the name of my team. I came up with that in about 5 seconds, and it needs some work. 
  • What have you named your Fantasty Football team? 
  • Do you like coming up with the names or wish, like me, you just knew each other by your real names and left the creative stuff out the equation? 
  • Do you hate football and have the urge to unsubscribe from TYD because you hear enough about it from the men in your life, outside of blog land? 

Leave me a comment and let me know!