What To Expect From My Blog In 2020

Posted on the 05 February 2020 by Violetdaffodils

Happy New Year! Hope you have all had a wonderful time over the past few weeks, spending time with loved ones, getting some well deserved rest and are now ready to get stuck into a new year!
In my reflective state that comes with this time of year, I've thought deeply about where I want to take this blog in 2020. I know I'm not consistent with my content, I spent a good portion of last year posting out old drafts that had built up over previous years and reworking old posts and I let life get in the way, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for something that I consider a hobby, however going forward I want to make a conscious effort to create more content as and when it happens this year. So what have I got in store for this blog?

More Travel Posts

My main focus going forward with VioletDaffodils is primarily on creating more travel related blog posts. While I do enjoy the lifestyle and gaming posts and will continue to do those too, I want to make more of an effort to bring travel topics to the forefront, as it has become more prominent in my life outside of this blog and my day job. I have a few more solo trips in the pipeline that I want to document here and those style of posts have always been the area of my blog that readers enjoy the most, with some of my most viewed posts being my travel ones and they are the posts I have the most fun putting together, so I want to pay more attention to this and cater my content more towards it in future.

Share More Youtube Videos

I've thoroughly enjoyed over the past two years self teaching and learning the process of editing Youtube videos, it's become another small hobby of mine in my down time and it's been a fun and challenging creative outlet for me in between blogging. I have said so many times about the backlog I have of travel vlogs, lifestyle vlogs and cute videos of Luna to organize and edit to share on my Youtube channel and now that I have treated myself to a new laptop with better storage (at last! only took 6 years!) I will be able to create more content to share both there and on my blog. So this year I intend to share more videos on Violetdaffodils too.

Find A New Layout

I've debated this throughout last year. I'm bored of my current layout. I used to like the clean, straight to the point look that let's the images and text do the talking, and I still do, but now I look at my blog and I think it looks bland and dull, so I want to find a new layout that holds similar values but is more eye-catching and engaging to the reader and with the addition of a few tweaks made here and there by myself. I'm not sure whether to do it all in one go or gradually, but for now all I know is I want to change it. I'm also going to experiment with removing the option to comment too, which may sound crazy but I find that I don't get many comments compared to back in the old days and that's cool. Honestly, the engagement on this blog isn't as important to me as it once was. I'm just happy to see the statistics of people reading the posts more.
I hope you enjoy what is to come over on this blog and if you have any advice, suggestions and ideas please feel free to send them my way. I need all the help I can get to be honest! haha!
As always, thank you for the continued support of this little corner of the internet. For taking the time to read it and for all the kind messages on social media, emails and in person, it really means a lot to me and I appreciate it very much! I can't wait to start implementing these changes and getting more stuck in to my blog this year, I've got a great feeling about 2020!
Thanks for reading!
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