What Was My Favorite Scout Merit Badge?

Posted on the 02 July 2013 by Probestpest @ProBestPest

I’ll bet you are going to answer Insect Study? Well it actually wasn’t that one but First Aid to Animals. FirstAidtoAnimals

The main reason is that it wasn’t created until 1985 and I received my Eagle Scout award in 1971. I especially enjoyed hanging out with the Veterinarian, we went on rural farm calls and he gave me a chance to check out a pregnant cow. I learned a great deal and had an awesome time for several months one summer.

So what Merit Badge was your favorite?

I do teach a few Merit Badges at our office in Gilbert, AZ. They include Insect Study and Reptile Study. So if you are interested please feel free to contact my office 480-831-9328 or 623-414-0176.