What You Missed on Facebook This Week…

Posted on the 02 August 2013 by Martinisandminivans @martinisandmini

Facebook is usually where I put the insane little things that happen in my life. You know, like walking around with a Goldfish stuck to my ass all day and no one telling me. Stuff like that. So if you aren’t following me, you are missing out on those kind of gems… To follow me, click here.

Here are some of the messed up stuff I’ve shared on Facebook this week.

Monday: Isn’t the definition of insanity repeating the same action over and over again and expecting different results? Then I’m obviously insane because each time I give Goldfish to the kids I believe THIS time one won’t get stuck to my ass. But every damn time…

Tuesday: There’s a special place in hell for the person who created play doh. And in hell is where he/she will pick it out of my rug all day.

Wednesday: The word on the street on Sesame Street was “transform” – to which my 4 yr old says, “Like when you, Mom, transform from your pjs to nice clothes, even though that doesn’t happen a lot.” I just love the crap this show teaches.

Thursday: Am I the only one who reads inspirational quotes and often thinks how I could turn that phrase into something sarcastic that’s more applicable to my life? Take for example – “Be Your Best” – sometimes I long for a phrase that says, “Be the Most Mediocre You Could Be Today” – that’s a goal I can realistically achieve.

Friday: Daniel Tiger’s dad is singing him a song about how they are similar on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (PBS cartoon) and he just sang, “It’s me that is inside you.” So yeah, I admit it, I ran into the kitchen and started laughing like a middle schooler. I’m seriously not mature enough to be a mother.