Here are some of the messed up stuff I’ve shared on Facebook this week.
Monday: Isn’t the definition of insanity repeating the same action over and over again and expecting different results? Then I’m obviously insane because each time I give Goldfish to the kids I believe THIS time one won’t get stuck to my ass. But every damn time…
Tuesday: There’s a special place in hell for the person who created play doh. And in hell is where he/she will pick it out of my rug all day.
Wednesday: The word on the street on Sesame Street was “transform” – to which my 4 yr old says, “Like when you, Mom, transform from your pjs to nice clothes, even though that doesn’t happen a lot.” I just love the crap this show teaches.
Thursday: Am I the only one who reads inspirational quotes and often thinks how I could turn that phrase into something sarcastic that’s more applicable to my life? Take for example – “Be Your Best” – sometimes I long for a phrase that says, “Be the Most Mediocre You Could Be Today” – that’s a goal I can realistically achieve.
Friday: Daniel Tiger’s dad is singing him a song about how they are similar on Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood (PBS cartoon) and he just sang, “It’s me that is inside you.” So yeah, I admit it, I ran into the kitchen and started laughing like a middle schooler. I’m seriously not mature enough to be a mother.