Various factors cause the disorder, including environmental factors, medical factors, brain chemistry, genetics and substance abuse. Researchers believe individuals who have family members with the condition could have a genetic predisposition. Situations that are stressful, such as traumas, can easily trigger off the feelings and possibly make it worse. Heart conditions, stress from serious health problems, or even asthma are often associated with this chronic problem.
When neurotransmitters, which are like chemical messengers that transfer information from nerve cell to nerve cell, stop working properly, the communication network within the brain stops functioning correctly. This causes a person to react in an inappropriate way. When the way the brain reacts is altered it can lead anxiety.
It is vital that a medical health professional conducts a full evaluation to correctly diagnose the problem. Sometimes the evaluation might include certain questions about personal and family medical history, as well as a complete physical examination. All possible causes, including physical issues, have to be ruled out. The doctor will then assess the results and will make a diagnoses based on information obtained about the intensity of the symptoms and the duration. If the physical reactions and the degree of dysfunction are signs of anxiety disorder, then a treatment should be discussed.
Treatment can take place in a number of ways. Usually the doctor will prescribe medications and counseling for an individual, but it all depends on the severity of the case. Cognitive behavior therapy, which alters the thinking patterns linked with anxiety, is also recommended. Headaches, nausea and some of the other symptoms can easily be treated with medications.
Any individual who suspects they suffer from anxiety disorder needs to contact a doctor as soon as they possibly can. It is essential to the health and well-being of the person to get a correct diagnosis and for the condition to be properly treated. A patient should get to know their disorder through research so that they are better equipped to handle situations.
Now you can find a wide selection of informative and interesting articles that will answer your concerns and questions today! If you are dealing with anxiety, you can take control and start living a healthier and happier life now!
By Sammy Dickerson on October 20, 2011
(This was copied in full from I claim NO Rights to this, however I found the article to be pretty detailed in explaining the disorder and felt I should share it! To find out about my specific case you can read my posts "Dont Air your Dirty Laundry for the world to see" as well as my Journey with my "treatment" on Lexapro in My Week 1 & 2 post as well as Week 3 & 4 post.)