Considering that we are still avoiding going out unless absolutely necessary, now is a good time to learn piano online-or any musical instrument of your choice. Music is a great stress-reliever and playing an instrument keeps our hands busy, which is good for heart health.
Long ago, I wanted to learn to play the piano. One of my mom's friends wanted to sell her baby grand piano and I regretfully had to pass, because I couldn't afford it at the time. Also, the classes were expensive.
But I realize that today, it is possible to learn piano online and I can choose to practice on a digital piano, until I am able to buy an acoustic piano. It doesn't matter that I do not have any prior experience or have not studied the piano as a child. All I know is it is never too late to learn.
I know I was hesitant, believing it may be too hard for me-and a whole lot of other myths like that. But more often than not, when it comes to learning, it is simply about changing the attitude from 'I can't' to 'I can'.

Anyone can learn piano online
Many people feel that they are never going to be a great piano player if they did not study the instrument as a child. It is true that early neural stimulation as a child is beneficial when it comes to an adult's musical intelligence; but it does not mean you need to have got this from the piano. Look at the piano simply as a new application. You could have been great at dance or sports as a child, and you may find that you are a good piano player, too. It is simply about being in an environment that was stimulating and nurturing as a child, not about having specific piano experience.
If you had limited exposure to physical experiences as a little one, it may make learning the piano slightly more challenging, but this needn't put you off. You will soon get a grip of things. Also, there is no evidence to suggest that a child's brain is more receptive to learning the piano than an adult's brain.
What may be true is that adults are more consumed with other aspects of their life and thus they have mental clutter. However, what it comes down to is desire, motivation, and having the right attitude. When distractions are minimized, the learning is quicker.

Common Myths About Piano Lessons
Online piano lessons are popular with those who would rather learn at their own pace, as well as those who don't have the money for private tutoring or cannot dedicate specific hours a week to lessons in advance.
If you are thinking about learning piano online, here are some common myths to be aware of:
You need to study classical music before switching to your favorite genre such as jazz or pop.
This is not true. If you want to play a certain genre, simply start off learning that genre. Let's face it - you need to like the music you are playing or you'll lose the motivation.
Adults cannot play the piano because they did not study it as a child.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is never too late to learn the piano. In fact, age is a mental barrier.
If you want to learn piano online, you must take music lessons every day.
Sure, it is important to practice regularly, but you don't need to do so every day unless you want to. Taking a break can actually benefit you especially if you feel frustrated.
You should study finger technique before playing actual music.
In fact, repertoire is the best way to develop expression and interpretation.
Now that we know that anyone can learn piano online, let's move to the next step-which piano?
Which Piano? Upright Piano or Grand Piano?
Although online piano tutorial websites are widely available obviously you cannot enjoy online piano lessons without a piano, and thus the first step is to acquire the instrument. There are two choices when buying a piano, an upright piano and a grand piano.
Upright and grand pianos are very different from each another. There is no better piano than the grand piano in terms of sound. It is the 'purest' form of piano available today.
Grand pianos produce a richer and more dimensional sound because they are bigger and have a larger scale than other pianos. They offer an array of overtones due to the long strings that vibrate. There is no denying that a grand piano looks incredible as well. It becomes the focal point of any room.
So, if a grand piano sounds better, why consider an upright piano?
Well, there are some high-quality upright pianos available. The sound is different - there is no denying that, but you can still benefit from a great level of quality. Moreover, many people prefer these pianos because they do not have the space to house a grand piano. Upright pianos are also cost less, making them an ideal choice if you are just starting out.
So, there is no right or wrong decision between the two, it is all about deciding what you need.
Getting started - beginner's tips
Piano tutorials online are available for all skill levels. For beginners, learning piano online is a great option, especially now. Online music lessons give you the ability to learn at your own pace, and there is a wealth of exceptional resources available on the Internet.
Here are some tips for beginners who want learn piano online.
- To begin with you need to understand how music works. Of course, some people are simply gifted, but others need to learn the hard way.
- If you do not know how to create chords and progressions or how scales are formed, it can be a bit of a struggle. It is a good idea to spend time reading resources and getting to grips with the basic of music before taking to the piano.
- I believe that rather than simply memorizing pieces of music, it is better to focus on the patterns and master them. Why? This is because many songs have the same patterns, and this means less to store in your mind.
- Learning to play by ear is a skill all pianists need to have, so listening is important. This means being in tune with the sounds by knowing when a chord sounds sad or happy, when tones go up or down, mastering the art of recognizing intervals, etc. An interval is the distance between two notes. There are small and large intervals, harmonic and melodic intervals and so on.
Also, create the perfect setting in your home. Make sure your glasses are up-to-date prescription-wise. You can get some great women's glasses today, and you will need them to use them to read your music properly.

Some Music Terminology for Beginners
If you are just starting out, you will need to get to grips with music terminology. Here are some of the most common terms you're likely to come across during your online music lessons.
- Mezzo piano - to play the piece somewhat softly
- Pianissimo - to play the piece very softly
- Mezzo forte - to play the piece somewhat loudly.
- Fortissimo - to play the peace very loudly.
- Forte - to play the peace forcefully loud.
- Crescendo - which means to get louder and louder through a marked passage.
- Diminuendo - the opposite of crescendo - to get softer and softer
- Tempo - relates to the musical piece's rate of speed and is something that can alter throughout a song when it is marked.
- Allegro - play the music in a cheerful mood and at a fast tempo.
- Staccato - to play the notes crisply, quickly, and detached from one and other.
- Chord - to play at least three notes at the same time.
Now let's look at how to choose the best piano lessons when you're planning to learn piano online.

How to choose the best piano lessons?
The best piano lessons online can be challenging to find, as the internet is now flooded with websites offering online music lessons. Looking through every website you come across can be time-consuming, not to mention frustrating, especially if you don't really know what you are looking for.
Here are five things you should look for:- Is the website right for your skill level? There are websites dedicated to those with experience who want to advance their skills, and websites for people who have never even sat at a piano before. Choosing the right one for you is pivotal.
- Is the website should be easy to use? Does it explain everything in a manner that is easy to follow?
- Does the website have positive feedback from those who have used it so far, as well as from professionals in the industry? If the website has a negative reputation because their lessons are confusing or unhelpful, you know that you should be looking elsewhere.
- Does the website offer value? This does not always mean that lessons should be for free, although this is a plus. If you are going to pay for something, make sure it is worth it, as there are plenty of free resources available on the Internet.
- Does the site have enough to see you through your entire learning process? You shouldn't be switching tools after a mere month or so.
Don't hesitate to interact with the website with any questions you have before you enroll.

Why opt to learn piano online?
Learning to play piano online is an option available to everyone. Earlier, one had to go to classes or pay for a private tutor. But thanks to the Internet, you can learn to play piano in the comfort of your home.
Some other benefits when you learn piano online are:- The sheer convenience of learning an instrument via the Internet. You can watch videos and take advantage of online tutorials at any time you want. You are not restricted to when a tutor is available.
- Online learning is a great way to find out whether the piano is the right instrument for you and to develop your skills before you invest in the services of a professional teacher. Once you have a good understanding of the piano and can play it well, you may decide to pay for one-on-one tutoring to take your skills to the next level.
- You can also learn piano online for free, which is ideal for those who are on a tight budget and do not have much money to spend on music lessons. There is also a wealth of materials and resources available to you online, meaning you can learn in a way that best suits you. After all, not everyone learns in the same way.
- Finally, you have the freedom to practice whenever you like. If you are feeling inspired, you can indulge in playing. Equally, if you need a break, you can have one. You don't need to be guilty of cancelling a lesson.