What Your Rats Need

Posted on the 20 December 2012 by Paige

What Your Rats NeedRat Care 2013
The largest cage you can afford.
A rat friend (or two or three) of the same sex.
Daily interaction with you for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Exercise outside the cage daily. Rats generally don’t like exercise wheels, they know they’re not getting anywhere. Hamster balls are also unsuitable for rats and will scare the poop out of them, literally. Supervise your rats! Cats, dogs and some birds will hunt them. Some rats think they can fly and will injure themselves making huge leaps off furniture. Rats will chew your stuff if left unattended, especially rubbery things like remote buttons and wooden furniture. Keep your rat inside at all times, outdoors has disease, parasites and predators. Do not feed rats wild insects.
A hammock for sleeping is enjoyed by most rats. Bared or meshed flooring should be covered with rags or thick bedding as rats have very delicate and sensitive feet. They will get sores on them if left on bare bars or in unclean conditions (look up bumble foot). Bedding should be Aspen shavings, Carefresh, non-shiny newspaper or blankets. DO NOT USE PINE SHAVINGS it is TOXIC TO RATS.
Stuff to do: toys, boxes, tunnels, or puzzles. Some rats like to make nests out of newspaper.
Rats will sometimes fight with each other. If they do this just make sure that they are not hurt and if need be, separate them for a bit to let them cool off.
Large water bottle (they will poop in bowls)
Balanced rat food such as Oxbow Adult Rat food or Kaytee Forti-blocks for rats. (Seed mixes are not nutritionally complete and are very much just ‘rat candy’) These two rat diets are usually enough to wear their constantly growing teeth down, but keep an eye on them. Sometimes they may need a tooth trim or additional hard snack such as a large bone.
You may want to occasionally trim your rat’s nails, as they can be quite sharp.
Do not give sticky foods(like peanut butter) as they can choke. Rats do not have the ability to burp or vomit. Do not give citrus fruits or anything acidic. Milk, cheese and dairy products are also not recommended with the exception of yogurt.
Rats poop a lot and need frequent changing. Do not use an aquarium for a cage; rats need lots of ventilation to protect their lungs from excrement fumes. Do not use chemical cleaners, vinegar and water is best.
Rats have a VERY fast metabolism, if your rat looks sick get medical attention immediately. Budget a couple hundred dollars for veterinary care, rats will require medical care as they age! The average lifespan is unfortunately only two years. Also because of their fast metabolism they must always have access to fresh food and water. They loose weight quickly and can become sick very quickly.
Veterinarians that see rats: Burloak Animal Hospital (905) 827-1171, Links Road Animal Hospital (416) 223-1165, Animal Hospital of High Park (416) 763-4200.
Email me if you have and questions or concerns, I’d be happy to give you my advice.