Whatever Wednesdays-What Does Your Idea Want to Be?

Posted on the 18 May 2011 by Shawndrarussell
I just finished my first draft (!) of a screenplay, and I keep reading different things that say getting a screenplay bought is way too hard, you have to live in L.A., blah blah blah. So, I was starting to think that I needed to switch and make it into a novel. Then I stumbled across this great blogpost: http://johnaugust.com/2007/novel-or-script. Mr. August set me at ease by writing this one little sentence:
The answer is a question: What does your idea want to be?
My work 100% wants to be a screenplay. When I sit down to write it, it just completely flows out of my fingers, and I feel like I don't even have to think. It goes where it wants to, and my fingers just follow. So, now I have my answer. The question remains, will I have a buyer? ;) Anyone personally know any famous directors/producers/actors that I can send my screenplay to????