As expected, there are mixed reactions to the same. While most people like me find it extremely touching and absolutely apt, there are some who find nothing great about it. Then, there are some, who feel that if he really wanted to write it, why do it openly?Each person has his/her freedom of thoughts and speech. Below are some of the reasons, I loved it:1. It’s a letter:I have lost the count of mention about my love for the letters. I accept that one of them is too innocent to intercept the deep meaning through it and the other one is already on her own path of thought process. But imagine the pride and glory in the eyes of little one the day she begins to understand it. Every time, the girls would feel low, i am sure letters like this would help them buck up. It's bitter but their dear grand pa is not going to be with them forever.
2. It's about daughters and women:The letter is addressed to his grand-daughters. Any deed done straight from the heart - big or small for any woman is a step towards better world.
3. It came from a legend:When a famous person talks, there are masses who are looking up to them. Each word they speak can influence someone's next course of action. Thus they need (not must) to be more careful with all their deeds. There are people who blindly follow their icons. Therefore, such clear and impartial thoughts expressed on a public platform should only do well for the society. I think, if it changes the mind of even a single person regarding even a single thought to good, his deed to share the same with world is well accomplished.
4. It reflects the mentality required for society:I so wish all men and women across the world felt this way about their daughters and women in their lives. The so called feminist word would not have taken birth.
5. It's his choice to share it with the world:To write a personal or an open letter is all his choice. No one has any right to object to the same. As he himself says - Because...
All said and done, the letter goes as below:

Letter content Source: TOI