Self Expression Magazine

When Daddy Deploys...

Posted on the 28 October 2011 by Simplybrookes
military families do it every endure's muddle through it.families stand tall because of it.
ain't always an easy road.when daddy deploys... in fact, it pretty much stinks in a lot of ways.but this is no pity fact,quite the opposite.
 this is  my way of rooting for the home teamwhich is why i've compiled a  humble how-toon making the 
most of 
military deployments(according to little ol' me)

1.  know going in,there are going to be roadblocks.arm your friends, your family and your handymen.they will be called upon at any ungodly hour on any day.  murphey's soon as hubs pulls out, fridge will break, toilet will need repairand you'll get a flat.plan on it.but know who to call.and you can do this!
2.  busy is good.stack the calendar.
when daddy deploys...
plan stuff, be places,have things to will get tired of running around, being here and there but let's face it.  busy is good.  
another day down, baby...
3.  say yes to help.when daddy deploys...sometimes i forget that i don't wear a cape and have super powers to do it all:   manage the family, deal with all the emotions that go with single-parenthood-by-deployment,being the mom, dad, counselor, nurse, taxi driver, tutor, cook, do i need to go on? when friends offer up help...just say yes.  whatever it is: dinner together, a quick coffee on the run, an encouraging phone call.allow your friends to fill you up.  you are both better for it.
4.  celebrate the little things.whether it's weekly, monthly or dailycelebrate how far you've come.
 'kisses from daddy': stash enough hershey kisses in a jar (enough for each family member for each day daddy is gone).eat one kiss a day, every day counting down his big return watching the jar get fewer and fewer.ode to the dadster ala chocolate!who doesn't love that?celebrate your anniversary:  treat the fam (or yourself) to a special 'outing' on the once-a-monthanniversary declaring 'another month down'.starbucks?mcdonalds?golden corral?  your choice...but celebrate.we once made a paper change marking each day daddy would be gone(yes, that sucker wrapped around the entiredownstairs twice, i think).
when daddy deploys...
we decorated special rings marking the halfway point as well as each month anniversary.those were the special days, making sure we commemorated properly.
when daddy deploys...
regardless of how you do it, celebrateevery calendar milestone you are his team,keeping it real back home.5. surround yourself with good good peeps: seek out the friend who isn't going to let you sit in your own muck too long.the one who's going to tell youhow strong you are and how you can and will do this,then pour you a glass of wine and let you vent. good habits:eat well.we all know the convenience of mickey dee'sbut not every day. okay?  promise?
good sleep:
go to bed early. we need to be on our toesto handle what comes next.
good habits:
exercise.find the will prove you well.
we can do this, peeps.  this is the stuff our country was founded on.  and one thing i know for sure. we are stronger than we think.  with God behind us,we are invinsible.
our guys are counting on us.
now this next part is for all younon-military out there.
i know you mean well. very well.
i'm going to let you in on a wee are the things said (however well meaning) that don't
always bode wellwhile we are in the thick of things.
"deployment?  again?
oh, you must be used to it by now."nope.never. we never get used to it.much like childbirth.just because we've experienced it, doesn't mean we are used to it.
another doozy, probably not going to go over well..." gosh.  4 months already?  wow.  that's going fast"
not so much.believe me, we are counting down each day,sometimes each minute.
you get the drill.just put your sensitive hat on.we can be very fragileso go in gentle.
we are strong but not thing about deployment, however,homecoming.
when daddy deploys...more on that later.
any thoughts on this subject?
please share.
when daddy deploys...

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