When Did All My Facebook Friends Turn Into Idiots? (Not Really)

Posted on the 14 August 2014 by Cantuccfd @cantuCCFD

A friend of mine, like many before her, thinks she is going to quit Facebook and social media altogether. I know the feeling. You’re scrolling through your feed, reading status update after status update, and you suddenly wonder when most of your friends became total idiots. It’s ok. (They’re not). We just all have our moments. Sometimes we’re on a health kick and think we need to post video selfies of our workouts. Nothing wrong with that if you competitively train, but kinda weird if you’re someone’s tax guy. Sometimes we’re going through a tough time so we start quoting bible verses. Very admirable on Sunday morning, except when Saturday night your status was "SHOTZ BITCH!" and you were bragging about how krunk you were. And sometimes we are the ones who let ourselves get lured into a discussion and we filibuster a response instead of just realizing that if this person knew better they wouldn’t have posted in the first place. What has happened is we now have what used to be considered a super power. We can (literally) read our friend’s thoughts. Aaaaand it turns out I don’t want to be able to read the minds of most girls like I thought I did in high school because apparently Marilyn Monroe quotes, manicures, and duck faced selfies are all most girls think about all day. So take a deep breath. All your friends are still cool. We just have our moments.


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