When He Just Isn’t Good Enough…

Posted on the 06 June 2013 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

We have all been there, done that.

It’s either you, or one of your friends. They either tell you when it’s happening and you ignore it, or they don’t when they should have.

It is 12 months later and you are like… “What the hell??? Why didn’t you tell me this was going nowhere?”

Like you would have listened anyway.

You wouldn’t have.

I have a friend that is dating someone I know…it’s awkward to me, because I know that she deserves more.

Not that there is anything wrong with him…

She just deserves better.

She deserves awesome.

I am not going to say he is not awesome on someone’s level, it’s just not on her level.

Do you see what I mean?

That is the problem with dating. Some guys are eager out of the gate…

Attentive, affectionate, caring.

And then, once you are reeled in. Nothing.

It all freaking stops.

And you are fucked.

I just want her to make sure, to feel it out…I told her, no sex. Hahahaha…I am the best friend ever. But seriously, she will thank me, and if he ever finds out, he will kill me.

I don’t care, I am always on the girls side, don’t ever doubt that part.

I want to feel like I have her back, when I actually  just feel like a cow. Because she thought it was awesome, she thought he was a winner, and today I might have blown that for her. I might have given her doubt.

I want to feel guilty about it, but I kind of don’t. Which sucks more.

The only thing I can think is…at this age, we don’t have time to waste, we don’t have time to give away when it isn’t going to be in our better interest. When the recipient isn’t worthy.

Nancy will read this and shake her head. This has been her with me. For years. I never listened to her either. Well I have, I have sat down, looked her in the eye, and listened to what she said and done it anyways. She was always right.

In the end.

Don’t be the prize that they win, don’t be the one who settles for less because you don’t think you will ever find more.

More is out there. It is harder to find and might be disguised a little bit, but it’s out there, looking for you too.

Listen to your heart, listen to your gut…decide if the fight is worth the end result.

Life is short and we are getting old, don’t pass up the fabulous for the just okay.

And mostly, just be happy. However that comes. Whatever that involves. Whoever you are with.

Happy Thursday loves xox