When I Think I Am a Ninja…

Posted on the 14 April 2015 by Redneckprincess @RdNeckPrincess

Or something like that anyway.

You know when you fall in love and you are just a big mess and all addicted to being with that person every single second of every single day?

I do that every time I find a new hobby or a new food or…pretty much anything new to obsess over as my new kind of fun.

So I reported a few weeks ago, that I started running. I will mention right now, that I love running…almost as much as I love Oh Henry bars. You get my obsession, right?

I eat, then I run…all good.

Except I am psycho. I ran like the wind for weeks. I ran farther and faster…I am losing weight and feeling like a million bucks and then I fluke out and find a stationary bike in the second hand store for $25.

It only took one long ride to nearly kill myself. Somehow…probably because I was riding said bike in my bare feet and underwear, which I would now never recommend…I managed to pull a muscle in my calf and do something to my other knee which feels probably as bad as my son did when he came upstairs and caught me riding my bike with  just ear buds, bare feet and my underwear.

Sorry honey.

So I have gone for a few runs (like 6) with this muscle pain and have made myself suffer through it, thinking it will go away if I beat the hell out of myself, which of course it won’t.

I went to the Sunshine Coast this weekend for 4 days to see my parents…it was a most excellent visit and the first road trip I have taken in the new Mustang. I had super intentions of running my ass off. I did not. The one day I went I just wanted to lay down in the ditch and possibly die there. Which, thankfully I also didn’t do.

So now, I am trying to be patient and let myself heal…the ridiculous thing is that it feels fine when I am actually running but when I stop…hell. So I am icing and Voltarening myself to being better. I am not patient, so this is a test for me.

Because I want to run……

Like the wind, only not that graceful.

And lesson learned with the stationary bike and the underwear, seriously on every level that is probably a bad idea. My advice is to at least make sure you have your runners on.