When I Think Of You, #1180

Posted on the 09 May 2015 by Juliezaz1 @juliezaz1

My Baby!!!  She is away for the weekend on a Girl Scout camping trip, and how I miss her!  There is something about not being able to have any communication with your child that is absolutely gut wrenching – even if it is only for 2 nights.

The crazy part is that this is only a small taste of what I will feel this summer when she is gone for 3 weeks for overnight summer camp.  To make matters even more unsettling, my son will be joining her for the first time this summer.  We will have two weeks with no kids in the house.  I’m already queasy over it.

So, my song is for my dear little one today, because I miss her.  I’m turning to cheesy Janet Jackson music to brighten my mood, because why not?  Love you, honey!  Hope you’re having fun! xo