When It Comes to Blessings…

Posted on the 05 August 2016 by Vidyasury @vidyasury

When it comes to blessings, there are a million things I am grateful for on a daily basis and I record these in my gratitude journal. I only have to open it and look to feel my spirits lift.

I love my life and all that is in it and if I had to pick the one thing I feel most blessed about, it would be the flexibility to work from home because it comes with a number of perks that make my life what it is - blessed!.

Here's my "ten ways I am blessed!"

1. Time

I get to enjoy my precious morning cup of coffee with my husband, listening to our favorite songs and reading the newspaper and laughing together. I hold this privilege close to my heart. This gift of time also lets me spend time in my kitchen, cooking and I love to start my day this way. I have the privilege of managing my own time.

2. Writing

I am living my dream as a writer/editor/blogger. I write to collect smiles and donate to charities. This is a blessing I count every single day and feel tremendously grateful that I am able to make a small difference in this world, and in children's lives. My Mother and I struggled to make ends meet and long ago, I fantasized about being in a position to help others. I am very glad that dream has come true.

3. Connecting

What a blessing technology is! I love the instant gratification of sharing photos and videos, connecting face-to-face with the ones I care about, no matter how far away they're located. Who could have imagined being able to manage work from a portable device, on the go, like a laptop or a smartphone and being connected to the world all the time? Grateful for the convenience. And super grateful I can talk to my son every day or see him via video chat. I miss him so much!

4. Friends

Blessed to have close friends who have been part of my life for several decades. Friends who care, stay in touch and do not keep score. Friends who encourage and scold in equal measure and above all, love unconditionally and squish me in their crazy-tight hugs.

5. Health

Blessed to have a great gym just down the road. This helps me stay healthy and focus on self-care while bringing me the pleasure of buddying up with a pleasant group of people who believe in motivating each other. Also blessed to be able to afford the medication I need on a daily basis to manage my diabetes.

6. Being my own boss

Yes, taking the decision to work from home as a freelancer was difficult and intimidating. But I was blessed with the love of my family and friends' encouragement to take the leap of faith. I did. And I am so glad I did. It was a struggle initially, but the effort has been worth it. It let me at home for my son who was then a toddler, my Mom, who had chronic health issues, and for my husband. I avoided the stress of a commute and staying late at work. Blessed to have clients and associates who appreciate me and enjoy working with me.

7. Music

Perks of working from home, besides loving it? Music. Yay! YouTube! Blessed to have music playing while I work. Love that I can break into song whenever I like and sing along at the top of my voice, feeling a childish delight about remembering lyrics of songs I heard long ago, or discovering a loved but forgotten song. Yes, I can also watch TV while I work if I want.

8. Nice community

Blessed to have friendly neighbors, enjoy community events, celebrate festivals and support each other in times of crises, send across food when we make each others' favorites or just have fun with our kids and their school projects.

9. Comfortable home

Truly blessed to live in a nice home with all the basic comforts. Hot water at the flick of a switch, fans to keep us cool, appliances to make our lives easy, food to eat and the means to afford what we need.

10. Family

Saving the best for last, blessed with a wonderful family that is loving and close. An affectionate son, husband who is always supportive and extended family that keeps in touch.

What are your ten ways I am blessed, when it comes to blessings?

This August, we are celebrating Blessings Month over at #1000Speaks for Compassion, along with Finish the Sentence Friday and Tuesday Ten. We are writing about "When it comes to blessings..." or Ten Ways I can bless people... or Ten Ways I am Blessed...

The linkup is available from August 4th to 11th (one week), and you can link up with any of our hosts: Michelle Grewe, Yvonne Spence, Finding Ninee, The Lieber Family, The Golden Spoons and me, Vidya Sury.
Do join us!

Check out other blog posts about blessings. Feel free to link up with us. If you do link-up, please try to read through the other blogs and comment and share. Thank you.

Writer, editor, blogger, social media enthusiast. Love DIY, Coffee, Music, Reading, Photography, Family, Friends and Life. Mantra: Happiness is a DIY Project. In my free time I play with my dust bunnies and show my diabetes who's boss. Tweet as @vidyasury