When It Rains…put up an Umbrella.

Posted on the 06 January 2013 by Simplystephanieblog @StephanieKonar

So there I was, New Year’s Eve, pleasantly pleased with my new goals and starting to accept the sticker price of our wedding knowing that we had just finished paying off cars, car repairs and other little surprises when BAM- Minnie fractures a tooth.

We took her to the vet the next morning to find out not only would the tooth need to be extracted, but she also had a tumor on her back that needed to be removed. Translation, almost half of our deposit for the wedding would be the total cost of Moo’s vet bills.

The good news is that she has a terrific vet and her surgery went wonderfully. Her tumor is benign, and she is recovering comfortably and still in good health for an almost 11-year-old puppy. Lesson learned: when it rains, put up an umbrella. If it is going to pour, so be it.

2013 has been off to a decent start nevertheless. I’m working behind the scenes on my travel writing for I.SeeKissimmee and cannot wait to have you read my first “published” writings during February 11-17! As my posts will be owned by Experience Kissimmee, my content will be posted on their site instead of here on SSBlog. I am planning on having a giveaway though that week based on my writings so make sure to follow along. No worries, I’ll remind you again before my week kicks off.

Other highlights of 2013 so far:

  • I read models that are 5’8″ are now supposed to be no less than 119 pounds, so I am now the new normal without doing anything. Awesome.
  • I was able to catch up with all Finding Bigfoot episodes and am now ready for the new episodes weekly.
  • Brian started a new position and I get my nights to myself again we are happily moving forward with wedding planning thanks to the extra income.

This week starts boot camp classes and 5am wake up calls! This should be interesting…

How are you doing on your resolutions? Started yet?