"When the Angels Gave You Wings, You Were Holding on to Me."

Posted on the 11 September 2013 by Lizb12 @elizabethbrinks
I've never heard a song more fitting, I'm not going to write a lot-just going to do my poem, that I love to do :)
September 11th 2001 September 11th 2013
twelve years later The day remains frosty and still New Yorkers, they glance off towards you grimacing and remembering You have not been forgotten
Your families, still weep Your country, still mourns Your friends, still look for you so I can say  You have not been forgotten
Twelve years later A generation has been grown, A generation without this knowledge A generation to which you have been recounted Your bravery Your losses Your death You have not been forgotten
We know you are gone for good nothing can bring you back however We are still here You have not been forgotten
And we will always remember  your gift to us You gave those around you a chance at life When You carried the wheelchair bound woman down those stairs When you helped the people out of the building And when you knew,  that you could not escape You sent your family,  one last message I Love you
Today, September 11th 2013, A Wednesday Here in Wisconsin, it is almost cliche as it thunderstorms around us as we wake up remember the day
and say
You have not been forgotten