When the Unthinkable Happens (again) and Year End Goals…

Posted on the 16 December 2012 by Horsingaroundinla @HorsingAroundLA

It’s happened… AGAIN. But this time, in an elementary school against young, innocent 6-7 year olds and their teachers? I do not have any children of my own yet, but as a teacher myself, and having taught a lot of kindergarten and first graders myself over the years, this hits too close to home. Even though this occurred on the east coast and I am on the west coast, I think anyone with half a heart has felt some compassion or some sort of emotion on a certain level for this community that has had to endure the unthinkable. This has been happening way too often lately. In schools, movie theaters, malls, all sorts of public places. When and how does it end? Is it safe to go anywhere anymore? I don’t think all this garbage about “gun control” will solve anything, but that’s another discussion for another time. Long story short, guns don’t kill people. People do and it truly breaks my heart to hear of such tragedies happening more and more often. So.many.innocent.lives.lost. For the children who witnessed this and were at this school that day, what do you say to them besides the obvious of wanting to hug them and never let go and listening to what they have to say? If you were a parent or teacher in that situation, how would you handle it in the aftermath? These are just some of the thoughts that ran through my head. The best piece of advice I have found thus far is this : HELP KIDS COPE WITH TRAGEDY 

Yesterday, I hugged my “kids” (my adopted pets, see pics below) a little tighter. I thought about those who were affected by this tragedy and how this could very easily have been any of the schools that I sub at and what would I do in this situation? With class sizes so large here in California (there are 30-33 kids in a classroom right now in most of the elementary schools. YES, EVEN IN KINDERGARTEN AND FIRST GRADE) how would I find enough space in the classroom to protect them all? They can barely all fit in the room as it is. I’m very calm and collected in emergency situations,  but this is an extreme unthinkable situation! No one, should have to go through such a horrendous ordeal such as this. Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it! It breaks my heart hearing the words and seeing through their eyes what they never should have had to experience in the first place. The details of what they thought and felt while living this nightmare is unfathomable and does not consist of anything resembling a normal school day. Hearing that they just wanted Christmas and to be home with their parents was probably the most heartbreaking thing of all. It bothered me and saddened me so much that I had to step away from it all and turn the TV off, and leave facebook, twitter, and all the social media outlets to get away from all this constant sadness and anger with how could a person commit such a heinous act against such innocent little angels?

Yet I still have faith. Tomorrow, I’ll live my life and encourage my students to do the same. We never know what’s going to happen. Nothing is guaranteed to us. Who knows what will happen 20 minutes from now? Let alone a whole school day.  In my heart, I’ll be praying for those families who lost a loved one that dreadful Friday morning. You are not forgotten. Many of us are thinking of  you tonight and always.

I felt guilty even on Friday night going to a holiday dinner theater at the church I grew up in, with my family that I felt lucky to still have. Especially with my 90-something year old Grandparents (Grandpa was in the hospital the week before, from Tuesday-Friday with fluid in his lungs/heart). Every moment I get to spend with them I cherish.

On Monday and Tuesday I will be participating along with many other bloggers who have chosen to go silent on these days in honor of those 20 innocent children and 6 amazing heroic teachers. Hug a teacher, a child, your pets and  loved ones.  Thank a teacher for all they do for us and our nations future. Spend some extra time with your children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, or other special persons in your life. Light some candles, pray or think positive thoughts for our future and for Sandy Hook Elementary School. Do something YOU LOVE to do that you usually don’t get to do in your daily grind. For who knows when you will get the chance to do those things you love so much again. Carpe Diem.

Starting Wednesday, you can plan on seeing these posts starting to pop up on my blog as it is my goal to get these all up before the new year. I guess you could call it my END of the year resolution?  Well here they are:

1. My Grimmway Farms Trip and Baby Carrot Adventure

2. Ontario Reign

3. My Knight In Shinning  Armor is Coming… He’s Just Stuck in Traffic Review & Giveaway

4. Insight Editions Book Reviews

5. King’s Hawaiian

6. Christmas Traditions

7. My favorite fashions

8. Happy Egg Co. Recap

9. Special Veteran Post

10. Much much more….

Here are a couple pics of two of my dear little adopted babies. Shiloh, the English Goldie just celebrated his 1st birthday on 12/13/12. Heidi the Bernese Mountain Dog puppy will be 2 in March.

Heidi singing and wishing everyone some comfort and holiday cheer.

 Shiloh, wanting to give everyone hugs and kisses and to make everything better the best way he knows how with some L-O-V-E.

 Heidi & Shiloh trying to help bring a smile to everyone with their smiles and innocent puppy eyes.

At the holiday dinner theater on 12/14/12. Prayers were said for those involved in the horrid events that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT

A candle “lit” in honor of those lost but not forgotten. 12/14/12